Sunday, February 22, 2015

Farewell Feelings

In less than 4 hours, I leave a place I've called home for so many years, and begin an adventure elsewhere. It's a strange feeling, departing a place that has become known and comfortable in the last two months, to be welcomed as a foreigner in a place unknown.

My feelings are all over the place. Nervous. Excited. Joyful. Overwhelmed. Freaked out. Ready. Lost. Anxious. Can't wait. Curious. 

Yet with all the excitement and new things about to come my way, leaving home is what seems the hardest. Overseas flight by myself? Done that. Give me a new country to travel to on my own? Check. Throw me into a place I don't speak the language? Been there. Have me make a million cultural blunders and travel mistakes? Yup. But have me leave home again..? Yup. Check. Been there. Done that. But it never gets easier.

Honestly, I am SO excited for my new home. I look forward to making new friends, moving into a dorm, not living out of a suitcase for a while, finding new pockets of town to explore and new cultural things to discover. (And for finally being there!) Creating a new home can be exhilarating and I can't wait! I'm excited for new tastes, new sounds, new culture to participate in, new friends, new sights, new school, new country...

I grew up learning the transition model "RAFT" - Reconciliation, Affirmation, Farewell, Think Destination. This past week I completed R and A, and last night I did F at a goodbye party with close friends. Now it's time for T: Think Destination. It's time to leave behind what's holding me back, and look straight ahead into the unknown future in a new place. I may not know what's coming, but I'm excited and ready to take it on with open hands and a heart eager to love and learn. 

Korea, here I come! Time to leave for the airport. :)

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