Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Green Change

Flowers beginning to bud outside of my dorm, JinRi Gwan (Truth Hall). :)
If there is one Korean word I've said every day while being here, it's 추워! Translation: I'm coooold!

Yet today is an absolutely stunning day! At the moment, I am sitting outside on a bench outside my dorm, in the shade, without a coat on. I had a headache all day yesterday, I've sneezed four times in the last 24 hours, and the dorm maintenance decided to finally turn down the incredible amount of heat in our rooms.

The trees are budding!
In a nutshell: something is happening with the weather, and I like it. 

It is mid-March, Saint Patrick's Day, and I am sitting here in Korea feeling thankful for a hint of warm weather amidst the dreary winter we have been having. The trees are budding, the birds are chirping, a bee just flew by me, and the grass, although still brown, will begin turning green soon. On an American holiday like today, it seems only right to celebrate things becoming green!

I'm reminded of change again today, and how change can be such a good thing. Change is a chance for new beginnings, an encouragement for transformation to becoming something better, an opportunity to experience redemption from being lost and hopeless to found and loved.

My flower shoes make me smile. (A.K.A. My "Asian" shoes.)
I cannot wait to see flowers around campus!
"And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you." 1 Peter 5:10

With change, all things are made new - the grass, the flowers, me, you.

It is a good thing I learned how to say "I'm feeling warm" in Korean class yesterday. With this change in weather, I will have to start using a new daily phrase!

Entrance to the residence area, with my dorm pictured in the center. The grass will soon be green! :)

Nongshim Hall, the International Building: Holds the English Cafe (where I work), the International Office, English Language Classes, and Korean Language Classes for Foreigners (me!) The tents are set up for advertising campus clubs. I can't wait until this tree is covered in flowers and green leaves. I pass it almost daily. :)

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