Wednesday, May 6, 2015

End of Separation, Beginning of Unification

Clara, Susanna, Stephanie and I at the DMZ.
This last Friday, my Korean Culture class took a field trip to the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea. We went to the 3rd Infiltration Tunnel at Panmunjom Village, just 44 kilometers north of Seoul.

We took a 3 hour bus ride from Jochiwon to the DMZ. When we arrived we had our passports examined and ate lunch. The DMZ entrance is quite a touristic area, with many souvenir shops, a restaurant and even a small amusement park.

After our lunch we departed on an hour long tour. We first stopped at a viewing spot where we could see North Korea and look through binoculars. 

View of North Korea from the overlook spot.
View of the North Korean Flag.

Some other exchange students and I with North Korea behind us.
After the viewing, we watched a short documentary and then got to go into the 3rd tunnel. Four tunnels have been discovered, but it is believed that nearly 20 more exist. The tunnel was dug by North Korea for a surprise attack on Seoul and was discovered in 1978. It is said that it can accommodate a full division of soldiers (30,000) to pass through in one hour. It was dark and damp, and very deep.

It was a humbling experience to visit somewhere so close to North Korea. After living in South Korea for over two months, it is obvious that they desire unification with the North. Students on campus are eager to bring unity and I think many long to see the countries together again in the near future.

Me with the sign that says "End of Separation, Beginning of Unification."
Susanna and I  along with the children of North and South Korea, pushing the countries together. :)
After the tunnel, we looked around the entrance area, took pictures and read more signs about the history of the North and South. Most of us fell asleep on the trip back home, exhausted from walking and from the hot sun. But it was a wonderful day and I think we are all ready to see the day when the North and South become one!

~Pray for unification of Korea~

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